Monday, May 18, 2009

clean sweep

Have you ever seen that show Clean Sweep on TLC? The premise of the show is people who have allowed years of clutter to overtake their homes get professional help to organize it all. The most intersting part to me is when Peter makes them take everything out of the rooms and make piles on the lawn of what is a must keep, what is trash, and what is garage sale. I watch in amazement as these people struggle against themselves, their spouses or Peter as to which things they need. As they make the piles, they see things that have been maybe buried under clutter for so long that it has been forgotten about. Well, that describes my brain right now. I have so much going on in my head that I feel the need to pull everything out and separate it just so I can think straight! I've joined mainstream America in blogging so that I can give my brain a "Clean Sweep." I may at times seem to have the ramblings of a madwoman, but it will in the long run hopefully make sense. Maybe it will make sense, maybe it won't to you the reader, but I am convinced that at least I will be able to make sense of my piles of thoughts by the time I am through! So join me on my adventure of cleaning out my brain. I'm sure I'll make you laugh, I'll probably make you cry at times, and I hope I make you think and ponder at other times. On that note, off we go........

1 comment:

Proverbs 31 Woman said...

You write very well. THank you for sharing your thoughts. I know God will be with you as you share and help you clear your mind....I like the subjects you come up with....I find God uses my writing to heal me everytine he gives me the desire to update on the caringbridge site. Anyways, Thank you for sharing....Danah