Saturday, August 31, 2019

Did my muse die?

Recently my husband has asked me why I stopped writing. I tried to think of a reason and I can't think of a good one. My father in law died two years ago and I think my muse died with him. It's not that he was my muse, it's just that the grief that came with losing the man who had been my second dad for twenty years took all the creative thought out of me.

I guess I wasn't ready to share my heart. I didn't even realize that the last time I wrote was just before he died. See in the last three years I've lost two of the dearest people I've ever loved and I have not had words to describe my heartbreak or even my basic day to day life. So I stopped. I stopped writing. I stopped journaling. I shared little and what I shared was in spoken words not written words. I shared in a way that I could always control who heard my words and I guarded them greatly.  How do I move on from that? How do I put words out there for the world again?

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